Julia, Brand Owner in Sydney

Hi. I’m Julia, and I’m the owner of a company that designs and sells 3D printed jewellery.

After we perfected the product – a process in and of itself – we made a list of our top 20 retailers around the world. Because we were first to market (and because our product is on point), we landed meetings with 10 of them. The initial meetings were great, just about the product. When we got closer to taking their orders, it was very clear we were in unchartered territory. We didn’t understand the terms they were asking for, where they were getting their sales and profit projections, the impact any of these agreements would have on our business. 

I researched and researched, and eventually contacted RA. They recommended a suite of workshops based on the issues we were running into in our meetings. My partner and I divided and conquered.

Julia's testimonial, "A great professional resource". Julia is a fashion and jewellery brand owner and designer,

I’m not saying that we read every word, but, like most entrepreneurs, we looked for the information we needed and devoured it. Between the two of us, we killed our next set of meetings – knew the implications of the retailer requests, had some new alternative solutions which could meet both of our needs and took our first set of orders.

Since we’ve gone back and more thoroughly done a couple of the workshops – and a new one to help us manage our online store and inventory in an operationally sound way. Business is good, and RA is a great professional resource.