Planning Future Seasons Friday, January 6, 2017 6:30 a.m. 06:30 Friday, February 10, 2017 11:59 p.m. 23:59 RETAIL ASSEMBLY Inc. Sydney Australia (map) Google Calendar ICS ASSORTMENT PLANNINGAssortment Building IntroAssortment Planning LanguageAssortment Planning IntroductionCASE: Basics Retailers - UniqloKey Item assortment strategySize AnalysisAverage Retail vs. Sell Price CATEGORY PLANNINGCategory Planning MethodsContribution reports Commodity-Based Assortment Plans Size analysis DISTRIBUTION & ALLOCATIONNegotiating for distributionBrand MatrixInitial Sales PlansStore ClustersStore Space AllocationsInventory Distribution Negotiating for a return to vendor (RTV) PRE-SEASON PLANWhy create pre-season plansPre-Season Plan ObjectivesTop-Down PlanningBottom-Up PlanningMerchandise Plan IntroWays to achieve growthStock-to-sales ratio (STS) Inventory peaks and valleys Purchase plan Cumulative mark-up (CMU) and planningVendor terms and impact on receipt planningReceipt flow and inventoryThe importance of an appropriate flow of goods